The Importance of Self Care for Students

Self Love image

By Alejandra Ramos, PHPN MPH Student Intern


As the school year is coming to an end, students everywhere are in a state of stress and anxiety all because of… finals week. Or should we say “hell week” . The one time of the school year where we all dread and have countless breakdowns over final assignments and exams. As a senior in college, I am ready to check out.


Some of us students tend to forget to look after ourselves whenever we’re under pressure and stressed from all the studying for exams that are coming our way. Finals are students’ tipping point since we are so close to the end of the school year and are ready for summer break. They can also be extremely overwhelming as most students depend on their grades for their future or just don’t want to fail in general. It’s possible that they overwork themselves in order to pass all exams and complete final projects. A study examined the causes of college students’ stress concluded that their biggest source of stress are from final exams with 31% ( Students are more likely to overlook their wellbeing in order to pass all classes. If students combine self-care practices into their busy schedule it will ensure their overall wellness.


            Here are some ideas that you can do for self-care:

  1. Read a book. If you’re stressed about what’s currently happening then read a book to use as an escape

  2. Meditation and yoga

  3. Take a warm bath. It’ll release the stiffness and tense in your body

  4. Make sure you are eating your meals. Most people feel sluggish or cranky whenever they are not eating their necessary meals

  5. Take a nap. Everything feels better after a good nap

  6. Go on a walk

  7. Watch a movie


It can be anything as long as it’s something that is enjoyable and helps take your mind off of stressful matters.


Yes, focusing on your finals is important but self-care is just as important especially during these times for students. An hour or two of taking a break and taking care of yourself won’t hurt. It’s okay to look out for yourself.


Remember that taking care of yourself is not selfish.


Good luck on your finals!


And to my fellow graduates, congrats on making it this far in your journey!



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